- Bookmark this page so you can watch these free videos at any time!
- Use the links below or the menu on your right to view the video gallery.
- Enjoy the re-enactments, documentaries, primary source text, and so much more. Hundreds of Videos for FREEEE.
- By the way: This page contains affiliate links.
History Videos for Kids–Don’t you just love ’em?
Well, so do I, so I came up with a way to create a gallery of history videos for kids! These videos cover the four year history cycle–ancient history, medieval history, early modern history, and modern history.
If you are one of those teachers that like to use videos to help your children understand history, then you’re gonna love these videos.
Our galleries of videos were created by researching the BEST YouTube history videos for kids that we could find.
- Ancient History Video Gallery
- Medieval History Video Gallery
- Early Modern History Video Gallery
- Modern History Video Gallery
 To learn about the type of content in the galleries, and how to view the videos, see below.

History Video Gallery
Not surprisingly, there are some amazing people in this world, and many of these people post amazing content on YouTube. They generously make these history videos for kids available for free.
The hard part is finding what you need when you need it. It takes hours and hours and hours and… more hours to research and find the best content.
Well, I like to have our school resources available ahead of time. So, I put it in some hours. I researched a bunch of videos and created this free gallery for all of us teachers. 🙂
Almost 400 videos.
I’m actually not done yet, but I’ll keep adding videos as I find them. And the modern videos aren’t completely finished. I have about 20 or so to add to round that gallery out. I decided to share them anyway because I know many parents are planning right now, and some may need this resource sooner rather than later.
I have to say that I’m amazed at the content I found. It’s utterly amazing. You can see more below.
How To View the History Videos
I have to mention that whether you use our gallery of history videos for kids or someone else’s collection or even history DVDs that you purchase, you have to preview and verify that the content is appropriate for your students. Even though we tried to select videos by teachers, experts, and professionals, only you can verify that the content meet your standards.
For instance, we’ve included religious lectures by a Rabbi explaining Judaism. If you’re not Jewish, you may want to explain those videos to your children.
We have included talks by Catholic priests explaining the lives of certain saints. If you’re not Catholic, you may want to explain those videos to your children.
We have included a video with quotes from the Tao, an ancient Chinese book. You may want to explain that information to your students.
How I Determined What to Include in the Galleries
Originally, I created the gallery for my kids for our study of early modern history this year. I made sure to include videos that would coordinate with my elementary writing curriculum–Writing Through History. As my children read and write about various history topics, they can now watch educational videos that give background information on the history topics covered.
Learn more about the Writing Through History series.
Tips to watching the videos:
1. To select a video, move the cursor over the image to see the description and date.
2. To exit the videos, simply click outside of the screen.
Ancient History Videos for Kids
In the ancient history gallery, we have amazing videos:
- Lectures by college professors,
- Videos by a Rabbi who explains Judaism from the Jewish perspective.
- Documentaries made my major news organizations that are typically aired as television specials. One in particular covers Joshua and the land of Canaan.
- Drive Thru History videos that were made available on YouTube by the producers
- Songs played with musical instruments used during ancient times
- An explanation of the Babylonian Number system-60
- Lectures by AP teachers
- So much more I can’t even list it all!
- Wait! I have to tell you this–a young man translated Virgil’s Aeneid into Latin, and then reads the entire book 1 online. How cool is that!
Medieval History Videos for Kids
In the medieval history gallery, we have another great collection of videos:
- Lectures by college professors,
- Videos on well-know saints, explained by Priests
- Chant written by Thomas Aquinas
- Explanation on the making of medieval manuscripts
- Demonstration of a Gutenberg press
- Fun Historical Rap Videos by an amazing teacher– topic: The Legacy of Rome
- Professional Documentaries
- Example of Shakespearean language in the original pronunciation
- Way too much to list!
Although YouTube videos are typically free and available to everyone, they’re not typically organized chronologically, with dates given, making teaching history a whole lot easier.
Early Modern History Videos for Kids
The early modern history gallery has some awesome videos as well:
- Documentaries and re-enactments of the pilgrims and puritans arriving to the new land
- King Philip’s War from the point of view of the Wampanoag people.
- Audio reading of Benjamin Franklin’s book–The Way to Wealth.
- Movie clip of Patrick Henry’s Famous Speech–“Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!”
- Mock trial against Benedict Arnold
- Bill of Rights Rap–Amazingly well done, actually explains the constitution!
- and one of my favorites–Living museum–Henry David Thoreau in his house on Waldon Pond.
Modern History Videos for Kids
Finally, the modern history videos for kids. Amazing!
- Â Explanation of the Fugitive Slave Law
- Explanation of the Compromise of 1820 and the Compromise of 1850
- Living Museum–Lady portraying Louisa May Alcott
- News report of the life of Elizabeth Van Lew–a woman that helped the Union will the Civil War
- The audio recording of former slaves speaking about their experiences
- Clips of modern historical events
- Living History–Lady portraying Sojourner Truth and reading her famous speech in character!
- Clip of the bombing of Hiroshima
Note: The Bill of Rights rap created by the most amazing young men is incredible! Here is my affiliate link to their file of smart songs available on amazon.com If you want your students to memorize the presidents, buy their file. They are talented young men, using their talents for good!
If you do use history videos to supplement history, check out the video galleries we have available:
- Ancient History Video Gallery
- Medieval History Video Gallery
- Early Modern History Video Gallery
- Modern History Video Gallery
Please feel free to share the link to this page or to our video galleries.
We want to bless other homeschooling parents!